Academic Writing
Dr. Elizabeth Stice finished her PhD in history at Emory University in 2012. She is a professor of history at Palm Beach Atlantic University. Her specialty is modern Europe, with a focus on World War I and empires. This page contains links to academic writing.
Review, “Hard Bodies and Soft Power: American Modernity and India Before Independence,” The YMCA in Late Colonial India by Harald Fischer-Tiné, H-Net, October 2024
Review, “A Light Cast onto Shadows,” Shadow Empires: An Alternative Imperial History by Thomas Barfield, H-Net, August 2024,
Book chapter, “Empire and ‘Harrow’s Epic of War’: British Officers and Imperial Culture in the First World War,” in New Perspectives on the First World War: Beyond No Man’s Land, ed. Mandy Link and Matthew Stith, Palgrave 2024
Peer-reviewed article, “Leading Like Lions: Junior Officers in the British Army during the First World War,” Leadership, August 2023,
Book, Empire Between the Lines: Imperial Culture in British and French Trench Newspapers of the Great War, University of Nebraska Press, June 2023
Review, Colonial Internationalism and the Governmentality of Empire, H-Net, June 2023,
Review, Trauma, Religion, and Spirituality in Germany During the First World War by Jason Crouthamel, H-Net, January 2023,
Review, Contact Zones of the First World War: Cultural Encounters Across the British Empire by Anna Maguire, H-Net, March 2022,
Review, Rumors of the Great War: The British Press and Anglo-German Relations During the July Crisis by Nathan Orgill, First World War Studies, February 16, 2022
Review, When France Fell: The Vichy Crisis and the Anglo-American Alliance by Michael Neiberg, H-France Review Vol.22 (January 2022)
Peer-reviewed article, “For Kin and Country: Reader Responses to Uniformity of British War Graves in The Times & Civilian Practices of Wartime Citizenship,” First World War Studies, January 28, 2021,
Peer-reviewed article, “Contrast and Contact: Civilians in French Trench Newspapers of the Great War,” French History, January 23, 2020
Review, Literary Journalism and World War I Marginal Voices, by Andrew Griffiths, Sara Prieto, Soenke Zehle, First World War Studies, September 16, 2019
Review, Colonial Suspects: Suspicion, Imperial Rule, and Colonial Society in Interwar French West Africa, by Kathleen Keller, Itinerario, Vol.43, Special Issue 2, August 1, 2019
Peer-reviewed article, “Men on the Margins: Representations of Colonial Troops in British and French Trench Newspapers,” Journal of Military History, April 2019, Vol.82, No.2, p.435-54
Author, encyclopedia entry, “World War II Recruiting Poster,” The British Empire: A Historical Encyclopedia, July 31, 2018
Co-author, encyclopedia entry “World War I,” The British Empire: A Historical Encyclopedia, July 31, 2018
Review, Empires in World War One: Shifting Frontiers and Imperial Dynamics in a Global Conflict, by Andrew Jarboe and Richard Fogarty, War in History 23(2016): 396-397
Review, In All Respects Ready: Australia’s Navy in World War One, by David Stevens, for H-Net, June 2016,
Review, “Colonial Culture in Context: Selling the Congo and Belgian Pro-Empire Propaganda,” Review of Matthew G. Stanard’s Selling the Congo: A History of European Pro-Empire Propaganda and the Making of Belgian Imperialism, H-Net, January 30, 2013,